Life Insurance Premium Financing
It’s too often improperly presented, implemented and managed. Fundamentals of Financing. First, it’s a good idea to look back to the general fundamentals of financing. Financing comes into play when someone needs or wants to purchase an asset of something but...
5 Signs You Need to Up Your Life Insurance Coverage
From lifehappens.org. Depending on the type of life insurance policy you have, you could be covered anywhere between one year and the rest of your life, depending on if you have term or permanent life insurance. But if you’ve had a policy for a while, it might no...
How Much Life Insurance in Retirement?
If you do need life insurance, financial professionals use one or more ways to calculate how much life insurance a surviving family will need…. Those include human life, financial needs and capital retention. The human life value approach uses projected future...
Key Findings for the 2018 insurance barometer study
Each year Life Happens and LIMRA join forces to get the latest and greatest information about what… consumers are thinking when it comes to their financial concerns as well as what insurance coverages they do or don’t have—and why! And that’s just the start. The...